Monday, August 25, 2008

Agressive Coloncancer Oregon, autostarde

Oregon, autostarde solar

Esempio di installazione

Installation example

The governor of the state of Oregon, announced that it will be completed by end 2008 Mass of infunzione first solar "highway" , which aim to satisfy all requests for electricity highway.

The plant, located on the edge of the road, accumulate energy during the day and at night will pay for road lighting installations. By year's end 28% of energy consumed from the highway, will have been generated through this installation, as large as two football fields.

Oregon has been one of the most state of the art in the field of green energies, is in fact provided a path of investment and development that will hopefully lead Oregon to be energy independent through renewable energy sources.

The Oregon Department of Transportation today is installing the solar panels , recently studied with great interest the futuristic idea of \u200b\u200binstalling wind turbines on the edge or over the main means of communication, capable of producing energy through gust of wind emitted by the vehicles in transit.


am very pleased to see that some leaders are getting involved in towards the planet, with specific projects and not as frequently accessed without any real conviction. We hope that what happens in reality can also spread to local government or national levels, having regard to the specific case, federal.

pdf Oregon , autostarde a energia solare convert this post to pdf.

Monday, August 18, 2008

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solar energy account and weekly

Did you know that ...

In Italy, we have the 'energy bill' ... It 'a new incentive system, which replaces the grants with a reward rate to around 45 euro cents per kilowatt-hour produced with your system, and more this energy can also be utilized by, from the house or factory, to achieve savings: for every kilowatt hour used is a kilowatt-hour not to be taken from the network, so that you do not pay .

[caption id = "" align = "alignnone" width = "475" caption = "A small example of PV"] Piccolo esempio di impianto fotovoltaico [/ caption]

Publication , prepared by the Manager of Electrical Services in collaboration, in some respects, with the technical departments of the Authority for electricity and gas, it is proposed to be an easy and comprehensive reference tool for anyone wishing to carry out a photovoltaic system and ask for the relevant incentives. The guide is divided into two parts. The first presents the innovations introduced by the Decree of 19 February 2007, the general guidelines for construction and connect the system to the network and the access arrangements to incentives. In the second were examined, some general and specific. Finally, the appendix is \u200b\u200bgiven a brief glossary.

Guide to the new energy bill

Thursday, August 7, 2008

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I wanted to point out this nice iniziattiva ECO SAVE
The basic idea is not new, save paper, too bad now all blog platforms are already using these systems PDF - Link MAIL etc ... they use it for pure marcketing then to exchange links and other various tricks from SEO, however, sponsor this habit in a vision I like GREEN

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Where Is The Bestway Air Mattress Plug

Electricity from body heat

In many villages throughout Tibet, there are two ways to cook a meal. There is the traditional open fire, fueled by yak dung or the region's increasingly scarce wood. And then there are solar cookers, concentrating mirrors made of two inch thick concrete and covered with a mosaic of small glass mirrors.
now no longer '