Case closed, open them banned. In Italy the houses abandoned closed or highly underutilized are hundreds of thousands. Farms in the countryside or buildings in the historic center little change, any building has a life and, if not fed and lived, is destined to wither and die. It would be enough to pass the 'air as the minimal solution to keep them in a state of assisted feeding, but nothing to do, the owners do not tend.
Hundreds of thousands of homes closed for an even larger army of young people and not just looking for houses to rent at reasonable prices. Enough in many cases to open and offer tax conidizioni who facilitated the deal, pledging to keep them alive. Often these homes are of historic value and architectural witnesses of time and history, without dying prematurely although they would have a thousand things to tell, a thousand services to be performed. Summary
blame in most cases can be attributed to insensitive owners that do not sell and do not restore, do not rent and do not settle. Masters of the territory which shall only the logic of the stuff, Verga memory, and typically boorish troglodytes. In my raids sometimes I stop to visit these homes, I can tell the owners, make contact with them. Often they are people of low socio economic media, that the demand for rental purposes simply respond: "The house is closed, it's old, what's interesting to do! No, not the 'rent (the house will be the x, the x-old woman, what vorlo not to ghe I do!).
And while it continues to build, often by the same owners who orgogliosiamente for at least three decades have preferred to rebuild to higher costs horrible new development, adjacent to beautiful farms that are still standing after centuries.
Quest 's that Italy has managed to destroy in a few years a historical and cultural heritage.
Think about it, tourists from all over the world come to Italy to see what they are? only what he has at least 60-70 years, the new is universally considered a waste, a mistake, except in rare excellent examples, the most unique and rare.
The house in question is located Bertesinella, a suburb bordering the countryside 6 km from the center of Vicenza, my hometown. It is still very good, solid structure, with the original colors. This is a country house, probably a post of '800, used for only one day to the' year. I asked the owners several times to rent, at a price much more advantageous for the ro for me. The answer has always been an imperative and sometimes not bothered! It is used one day to the 'year, the birthday of the grandson of six years in August, and is used only the' outside. For the remaining 364 days' s years sleeping in semi-vegetative state.
I fret and dream when we walk past, at least a couple of times a week.
But she is always there, in Main Street, with its flowers el 'cut grass, but never lived one of the few remaining examples of a cottage small, hard and pure, well preserved, a few km from the city.
Simone Ariot