Thursday, December 25, 2008


Note: when' Do not judge the monaco

Cagliari, historical site: a small house flanked on the latch of the old city. A facade poor, battered, a plaster uncertain. Two windows will probably introduce us to a renovated apartment, you can see beams and a pure white with perhaps a deposit pareti.Al ground floor, first floor apartment. Perhaps the lack of cooperation between the two owners on the division of costs for the painting, perhaps simply do not look to the facade, but only to the content.
form and substance, the two poles of a world in which ' architecture is well represented. I am reminded of the houses in Marrakech, the color of blood, apparently to poor 'external rich interior decorations is dominated by the cleanliness and the sense of' order. Real wealth and not apparent, a sort of opposite of the baroque spirit, but an interesting contrast. I, personally, fantastic in 'imagine' furnishing of this' house, the owners, their travels and their dinners. Much more than I tickle the curiosity in a beautifully restored building facades. Simone

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Stores Similar To Yesstyle?

Case closed, open them banned. In Italy the houses abandoned closed or highly underutilized are hundreds of thousands. Farms in the countryside or buildings in the historic center little change, any building has a life and, if not fed and lived, is destined to wither and die. It would be enough to pass the 'air as the minimal solution to keep them in a state of assisted feeding, but nothing to do, the owners do not tend.
Hundreds of thousands of homes closed for an even larger army of young people and not just looking for houses to rent at reasonable prices. Enough in many cases to open and offer tax conidizioni who facilitated the deal, pledging to keep them alive. Often these homes are of historic value and architectural witnesses of time and history, without dying prematurely although they would have a thousand things to tell, a thousand services to be performed. Summary
blame in most cases can be attributed to insensitive owners that do not sell and do not restore, do not rent and do not settle. Masters of the territory which shall only the logic of the stuff, Verga memory, and typically boorish troglodytes. In my raids sometimes I stop to visit these homes, I can tell the owners, make contact with them. Often they are people of low socio economic media, that the demand for rental purposes simply respond: "The house is closed, it's old, what's interesting to do! No, not the 'rent (the house will be the x, the x-old woman, what vorlo not to ghe I do!).
And while it continues to build, often by the same owners who orgogliosiamente for at least three decades have preferred to rebuild to higher costs horrible new development, adjacent to beautiful farms that are still standing after centuries.
Quest 's that Italy has managed to destroy in a few years a historical and cultural heritage.
Think about it, tourists from all over the world come to Italy to see what they are? only what he has at least 60-70 years, the new is universally considered a waste, a mistake, except in rare excellent examples, the most unique and rare.

The house in question is located Bertesinella, a suburb bordering the countryside 6 km from the center of Vicenza, my hometown. It is still very good, solid structure, with the original colors. This is a country house, probably a post of '800, used for only one day to the' year. I asked the owners several times to rent, at a price much more advantageous for the ro for me. The answer has always been an imperative and sometimes not bothered! It is used one day to the 'year, the birthday of the grandson of six years in August, and is used only the' outside. For the remaining 364 days' s years sleeping in semi-vegetative state.
I fret and dream when we walk past, at least a couple of times a week.
But she is always there, in Main Street, with its flowers el 'cut grass, but never lived one of the few remaining examples of a cottage small, hard and pure, well preserved, a few km from the city.
Simone Ariot

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christian Wrestling Siglets

A Case closed "domestic "editorial expressing

want to be anything more than a domestic publishing experiment, a travelogue, a box of memory. Subject
of everything the house, understood as walls, roof, doors, balconies. House
especially as it appears from 'outside set of lines, colors, materials and books that over the centuries there have been following a style ol' else. Case
often closed, abandoned, decay, houses antique charm, taste experience. A blog that part
by 'habit of looking up and wide, noting at one point that architecture, in the last 50 years, seems to have forgotten the legacy of history in which to draw, at least by Palladio on.
In this "publishing experiment" I want to publish and represent excellent examples of architecture, living or vegete, which transmit charm and flavor, but not all. I want to express my emotions to the home user, the next buyer that relates to the category of complex real estate agents, kidnapped a young and charming by the residences' s past, those who watch to see which style you belong.
I will focus mainly on the external 's come in many impossibilitàdi homes, but I will try to explore some furniture if the owner wanted me to accept.
I will, finally, just houses, preferably beautiful, countryside or city, they have something good to say, not only in price or convenience services, but for the emotions that communicate. As the 'architecture should do.
Simone Ariot

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Alligator And Crocodile Battle Ecoshopping
November 18, 2008 22:25


copertina del libro ecoshopping

book cover ecoshopping

Ecoshopping. Ideas, addresses, websites to make purchases without neglecting the environment, health and ... why not also book

Convenient design, functional, high tech: the new generation of "green" products has finally abandoned the essential items becoming trendy. Like more and more to all this shopping between natural, safer, low environmental impact and a high level of design and comfort. What to buy appliances really save? What toothpaste, cream, shampoo, soap, detergent use to avoid allergic reactions? Getting around in spectacular places without causing damage or create problems? Here is a guide that not only select up between stores and sites to purchase items of all kinds and for all tastes, provides Information on how to choose the best for your needs, even the most particular and refined, keep an eye on your savings. Unfortunately, the high tech information even if the book is in very recent times been exceeded ...

However, with excellent insights and suggestions:
- when we buy a product we are exercising a power;
freedom of choice ' purchase means not be duped by advertising and offered below cost;
- if we care about the Earth we choose products with low environmental impact;
-ecological production requires innovation, research and use of advanced technologies;
-good mix of technology and natural materials enhances the quality of life;
- before making a purchase let us pause to reflect: do we need? eco Is there an alternative?

Format: Paperback
Pages: 382
Language: Italian
Publisher: Sperling & Kupfer
Publication Year: 2008
EAN: 9788820045494

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Glycerin Based Soaps Acne

After an initial period of heavy autumn rains the cookie was invaded by fine sand contained in the same rain, dry leaves from neighboring trees, etc. ...

We apologize for the dirt that you have found and that probably has created discomfort from both a technical and prestige of the park!

we meet as soon as possible to clean the facilities as was done in the past.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

How Fattening Is A Curry In The Chinese Sony Ericsson P1i: the top of the standings
October 4, 2008 21:29

Sony Ericsson P1i: the top of the standings

Greenpeace Greenpeace presented a study born with ' ; aims to find green electronic products on the market already in 2007.
A year after its initial publication dell'Ecoguida electronic products, all companies have achieved a score of at least 5, half of which have even received a score between 7 and 8.

The votes were allocated on the basis of commitments stated: they are false or actually there is a growing commitment to greener practices?
This new report examined whether the promises of the companies are translated into reality.

were analyzed 37 products of 14 companies compared to four criteria: content of toxic chemicals, energy efficiency, use of the product cycle life of the product innovation and marketing.
The total maximum score of 100 points was assignable, then reported on a scale of 1 to 10.
The survey did not designate a winner. No single product has passed the 5, some have had good scores on some aspects but not in others. Consequently no product excels when measured over all the environmental criteria of reference.

Three products scored just over 5 and therefore differ from the other, reaching half way up the path Greenpeace: Sony Vaio TZ11 (notebook), Sony Ericsson T650 (mobile), Sony Ericsson P1i (PDA). The

Sony Ericsson P1i smartphone is square with 5.10 points in the first place because the criteria for chemicals (minor exemptions to the RoHS directive, no PVC, phthalates and beryllium) as well as the absence of brominated flame retardants tab main.
with 3.95 points in second place is located on your handheld Hewlett-Packard iPAQ 510 thanks to the efficiency of its adapter.

pdf Ciao mondo!! convert this post pdf to.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Why Is My Cichlid Shaking? Greenpeace: Global Warming, solutions delirious

Greenhouse solutions delirious

The challenge is this: global environmental develop an intelligence capable of making us continue in our evolution towards a society capable of living without necessarily continue to weigh heavily on the nature and vulnerable populations, without necessarily poison the air we breathe, without necessarily end up in the water that holds all of life, human or otherwise, without necessarily melt all the ice there is, at least, what little is left.

What has described himself as "Homo-Sapiens-Sapiens" because of its unique way of thinking, this challenge unique (because crucial for the preservation of life as we know it and so imminent) responded in various ways, mostly ridiculous (in my opinion), certainly worthy of a being who is always too compared to God

In essence, rather than slightly modify our current lifestyle, the most prominent minds on the planet are made to think the best way to "deceive Nature" with two or three costossimi subterfuge. As he writes, "Republic": " failing will to fight the cause, at least you try to attack the effects . Unfortunately
who has the task to think of a "solution" seems unable to afford to go further by also think about the possible consequences thereof. Action -> Reaction.
I did not understand why, but "on the upper floors," seems to work well ...

CASE 1: Sprinkle sulfur land
the stratosphere with the continuous casting of "mega-aerosol"
operation cost $ 100,000,000 per year

The idea is Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen
or better ... the aforementioned Nobel Prize for his idea was inspired by the eruption of a huge volcano (the Pinatubo in the Philippines) in the early '90s erupted violently in the air, leaving an intense cloud of sulfur (intense, calculated at about 20 megatons of sulfur gas), which lasted for several months in the atmosphere, cooling the climate of the globe for a couple of years. Simple: the micro-sulfur left "soaking" in the atmosphere acted as a mirror reflecting the sunlight could not reach the ground.
Too bad if you were take this absurd way, it would without a doubt a decision one way.
Paul Crutzen has not thought about the consequences, fortunately they did more for him and the consequences of his brilliant idea not to be rosy.
Ken Caldeira, a leading climatologist at Stanford simulated peak the process of release of sulfur into the stratosphere, with the next-likely responses of the Earth:
as already demonstrated by the volcano, actually a fall in global temperature is possible. Too bad, that stopping to enter the gas ammorbante , the earth's temperature would suddenly leap up and the whole process of overheating overall would be much faster than it is today, the drought and water shortages would make the rest, killing hundreds of millions of people around the world.
also estimated that the sulfur thin in a short time the entire earth's ozone layer ... you evaluated.

CASE 2: Disseminate the oceans of the iron dust in order to grow phytoplankton * able to absorb CO2. .
* (a set of algae is very important because it generates half the total oxygen produced by plant organisms of the Earth-Wikipedia-).
pity that the iron will damage the marine ecosystem in a short time, already quite fragile, because of us always.
The authorship of this brilliant contest is between two "giants" of the American climate, and the Climos Planktos, which has long boasted of throwing iron powder here and there for the oceans.
try to solve a problem by creating another,
someone can tell them? ...

CASE 3: Withdraw all the carbon dioxide
with so many "super suction".
Simple as evil.

vacuum cleaners in question are produced by the latest U.S. giant ( Global Research Technologies), each of them has the size of a truck and to pick up 10 million tonnes (t ) of CO2 per year (1 / 3 of the current annual emissions) there vorrebero 30 million parked here and there around the globe. The aspratoroni are able, through chemical reactions to convert carbon dioxide into an unnamed "inert" but should be carefully buried in remote areas ...
operation cost $ 250,000 / t
Co2 ( 250 thousand 30milioni x = $ 7,500,000,000 per year - settemiliardicinquecentomilioni dollars a year).
It would be a really good deal for the Global Research Technologies ...

These assumptions (only some are) a little 'smile and do a little' make skin crawl. It may sound a bit 'less whether they come from all geoengineering projects (engineering of the earth or "revolutionary approach to climate change") adopted by many American companies, to avoid giving up vices are habits-preg-sell' s soul to the devil, if you have not already done ... A
for the Exxon-Mobil, which was discovered in the past to pay for these decerebration and inept researchers write that the " Global Warning" is an invention.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Agressive Coloncancer Oregon, autostarde

Oregon, autostarde solar

Esempio di installazione

Installation example

The governor of the state of Oregon, announced that it will be completed by end 2008 Mass of infunzione first solar "highway" , which aim to satisfy all requests for electricity highway.

The plant, located on the edge of the road, accumulate energy during the day and at night will pay for road lighting installations. By year's end 28% of energy consumed from the highway, will have been generated through this installation, as large as two football fields.

Oregon has been one of the most state of the art in the field of green energies, is in fact provided a path of investment and development that will hopefully lead Oregon to be energy independent through renewable energy sources.

The Oregon Department of Transportation today is installing the solar panels , recently studied with great interest the futuristic idea of \u200b\u200binstalling wind turbines on the edge or over the main means of communication, capable of producing energy through gust of wind emitted by the vehicles in transit.


am very pleased to see that some leaders are getting involved in towards the planet, with specific projects and not as frequently accessed without any real conviction. We hope that what happens in reality can also spread to local government or national levels, having regard to the specific case, federal.

pdf Oregon , autostarde a energia solare convert this post to pdf.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Difference Emu Bronte Und Stinger

solar energy account and weekly

Did you know that ...

In Italy, we have the 'energy bill' ... It 'a new incentive system, which replaces the grants with a reward rate to around 45 euro cents per kilowatt-hour produced with your system, and more this energy can also be utilized by, from the house or factory, to achieve savings: for every kilowatt hour used is a kilowatt-hour not to be taken from the network, so that you do not pay .

[caption id = "" align = "alignnone" width = "475" caption = "A small example of PV"] Piccolo esempio di impianto fotovoltaico [/ caption]

Publication , prepared by the Manager of Electrical Services in collaboration, in some respects, with the technical departments of the Authority for electricity and gas, it is proposed to be an easy and comprehensive reference tool for anyone wishing to carry out a photovoltaic system and ask for the relevant incentives. The guide is divided into two parts. The first presents the innovations introduced by the Decree of 19 February 2007, the general guidelines for construction and connect the system to the network and the access arrangements to incentives. In the second were examined, some general and specific. Finally, the appendix is \u200b\u200bgiven a brief glossary.

Guide to the new energy bill

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Raven Riley Free Movie


ECO-SAFE Merit Badge

I wanted to point out this nice iniziattiva ECO SAVE
The basic idea is not new, save paper, too bad now all blog platforms are already using these systems PDF - Link MAIL etc ... they use it for pure marcketing then to exchange links and other various tricks from SEO, however, sponsor this habit in a vision I like GREEN

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Where Is The Bestway Air Mattress Plug

Electricity from body heat

In many villages throughout Tibet, there are two ways to cook a meal. There is the traditional open fire, fueled by yak dung or the region's increasingly scarce wood. And then there are solar cookers, concentrating mirrors made of two inch thick concrete and covered with a mosaic of small glass mirrors.
now no longer '

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Pop Secret Homestyle Nutrition Info

LORD JESUS \u200b\u200b',

who, in becoming man, chose to put your tent among us, our companion and friend in the camp ground and, before that, creating the world you wanted to impress your footprint in all creation, help us to recognize in every person and every thing in Heaven, water, flower, in friendship, in silence, to grasp the sense of the impermanence of life, and wait with patience and confidence, time removing our "earthly tents" to return to your home final. Let the day, which enables us to live, spend serene and joyful, active in the rest that allows us to rest & not only physically but also spiritually. We ask this through Mary, your Mother and ours. Amen.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bag Lock Combination Reset



Saturday, February 9, 2008

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reading these news I get less and less willing to throw me for the other we'll see ... - \u200b\u200bEconomy - Only half ' Youth off light

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Fructose Malabsorption Urination

I know I'm leaving a bit to lose the site but please do not blame me ...
will resume soon ... promised) meanwhile let us keep informed of my absence dull renewable energy! Searl Effect Generator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Herniated Bowel Causes

not I go back to work soon preucopatevi