Saturday, January 24 to 80% of the surface of the COOKIE skate park was still covered by ice and snow fell earlier this year (more than 50cm), fortunately for the regulars and not on the same day David and Andrea (local) had the bright idea to arm themselves with shovels and balls (let the pun) and clean the whole park!
certainly deserve a thank you posted on the blog and the official publication of some nice pictures!
Thanks guys, someone probably waiting for the thaw but most skaters impulsive, you know, have no time to lose!
And thanks to this gesture of the wooden structures to be a bit 'more dry (at least until the next flood).
However, we noted that despite the obstacle of the usual white tag and continue to write smart structures and not only (Cavolo! You're just outlaws, congratulations must be strategic in runs tagging dangerous city! Do bad, yo!), Then We also evaluated the wear of materials and problems encountered lately, in fact, be in touch soon the construction company for future maintenance for the next event that probably (scoop) will be organized in March!
are planned also some additions in the urban park (not in the structures of the cookie, for now), as the concrete plaza around the fountain and the renewal of certain signs.

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