A simple, politically incorrect, thoughts.
A few days after the devastating earthquake in the Abruzzi, where the 'incessant media bombardment that has raged daily
tends to fade, a title like that could leave stunned. Do not rejoice
of dead, the terrible suffering of the survivors of the historical and artistic heritage was destroyed and the sciaccallaggio media that is produced following its tragedy. Gioscia not anything. But I can not but note how much do everything to return the bills, my bills, already expressed in a few posts so far written in this blog.
Beyond the predictability or otherwise of an earthquake hazard, responsibilities, is now slowly emerging a real case "constructively" Italian, a case that becomes the cultural and social as well as technical and political. In the most beautiful country in the world with the greatest architectural tradition and cotruttiva, a fifty 'years ago, it started to destroy 's environment and landscape. The tower blocks of building speculators are the mirror of Italian conditions, culture reduced to 'glorification of the past without signs of a mind that if there is not clear why a pass from deep discounts already imagined future. Buildings large and ugly, dirty and uncomfortable. Plans planes, completely devoid of the aesthetic function built as the flag of "Made in Italy" worldwide. When a house or a building is bad is bad. When is poor is dangerous. When there is death is dangerous and if there is death there is the hunt for 'the accused, the evil sorcerer who wanted to disaster. All responsible Italians. Head of the 'architect ol' engineer, because it is compromised, left forgotten in the drawer of the cultural lessons learned to 'University and is bent to the demands of unscrupulous builders. Responsible manufacturers who wanted to get rich chasing the dream of easy money in real estate and construction, and in Italy a few decades is that generations of new rich are increasing due to construction.
Responsible politicians and their tendency to haggle the votes, securing the 'ingarantibile, promising everything and more to those who allow their election. Responsible citizens,
chasing the dream of home ownership when they do not yet have the cultural tools to understand if the house which will put their savings will be well done. And I do not speak of the old buildings (often or almost always safer than modern ones). Responsible for the professors, and I quote in first person, sometimes given away with their votes to allow future generations of architects, engineers, political, administrative and other manage to get to a position for which we need a little 'over culture and accountability .
This blog is born with the 'intention to find excellent examples of restoration, or potential, but also with the hope to contribute even minimally to disseminate a culture of good taste,' aesthetic that goes hand in hand with the 'ethics, and no discounts. Maybe they think
few, but when you get a new big earthquake in Messina or Reggio Calabria, the dead will not be only 300. We can easily add a couple of zeros. Yet you continue to cotruire, evil and badly.
Not only that, you continue to let die the old farmhouses that now bursts in the suburbs of 'Italy, left to' abandon despite the historical, cultural and architectural sometimes bring with them. It prefers to forget the past of poverty of a rural world but genuine and invest 's sad invest in two-three rooms anonymous apartment blocks. It prefers to leave the houses in the center closed in spite of the thousands of people looking for accommodation, traditionally safer because it is well built. In other posts I talked
the difficulty of finding decent housing, and strong to face serious professionals.
This is happening. Leave their homes value, structural strength, build crap that the first shock collapse.
L 'Italy is killing with his own hands and this last, terrible event Abruzzo, at least we need to understand it better.
Benedict earthquake.
Simone Ariot
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