Monday, January 25, 2010

Discharge Three Year Old

February 2010 January Events: Friday, 29 hours * 19

evening of art and skate culture. The protagonist is Canedicoda aka John Donadini: versatile artist and designer who DUMB , a crew of skaters known nationally and internationally, designed t-shirts and boards.
During the evening exhibition of works on wood, drawings, serigrafie e poster.
Aperitivo con buffet e spazio musicale a sorpresa,
Siate pronti e siate curiosi!

A CLAB night about art and skate culture. The protagonist is CANEDICODA aka Giovanni Donadini: designer and poliedric artist for DUMB , a crew of skaters known on a level national and international, design t-shirts and skateboards.
During the event exposition of skateboards, works/sketches, silkscreens and posters.
Aperitivo and musical moment.
Be ready, be curious!!!


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