Sunday, March 6, 2011

“toshiba Network Camera – User Login

chocolate mousse and salted butter baked

On 25 January I I got a email of Lelio Bottero Farms Fiandino in which it was announced that the book with recipes of salted butter 1889 was finally published; Lelio stated that it was a close contest and that only the first 70 foodblogger who enrolled would participate in the new contest.

I entered immediately.

few days later the package arrived in 1889 with salted butter (2 boxes) and a regalone: \u200b\u200bGreat kinara , long-cured cheese made using vegetable rennet. Very good!

I thought very much as a recipe would be perfect to use the precious butter at the end I chose this chocolate mousse that is cooked in a moderate oven so as not to ruin the flavors of the butter they have, indeed, the exalted ' essence of chocolate with a note softly salty


3 eggs 165 g caster sugar

225 g dark chocolate 70%

45 g cocoa powder 120 g unsalted butter


Whip the egg yolks and sugar beaten until stiff whites.

Melt chocolate with butter in a double boiler, pour the melted chocolate over egg yolks, add the cocoa and finally gently incorporate the egg whites into the mixture.

Preheat oven, static, to 160 ° C and bake for 40 minutes the mousse.

The next day is good J


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