Who is Adelina? Adelina is the "cammerera" Montalbano.
is she who prepares the oranges that they desist from reaching Salvo Montalbano Livia in Viareggio to celebrate New Year's and, again these balls, Montalbano leads a fast investigation of a theft has occurred involving a son of Adelina. The "liccu and cannarutu * Montalbano knows that oranges can only drool if the children of offenders Adelina remain out of trouble.
A few nights ago, to Adelina Arancini entered into the DNA of four friends.

"Adelina take two to pripararli Jorna sound healthy. He knew by heart the recipe. The day before you make a aggrassato of beef and pork in equal parts to COCIR a slow fire for hours with onion, pummadoro, celery, parsley and basil. The next day we pripara a risotto, what they call the milanisa (without sapphire, Pi love!), it is poured on top of a table, we blend in the eggs and you do rifriddàre. Meanwhile kitchen peas, makes a white sauce, fell to pieces' na little slices of salami and gets a whole aggrassata made with meat, chopped by hand with the crescent (containing blender, Pi God's sake!). The juice of the meat s'ammisca with risotto. At this point is derived by risotto tanticchia, s'assistema in the palm of a hand-made bowl, you put a spoon into the compost and cover with the other rice to form a nice ball. Every ball you roll in the flour, then passes into the egg white and bread crumbs. Double, all oranges slip into a padeddra d'Oglio hot and fry until they blindside a color of old gold. Allow to drain on paper. And finally, ringraziannu Signiruzzu u, eat (from "The arancini Montalbano, Mondadori, 1999).
* (pag.93 - The smell of the Night - Andrea Camilleri, Ed Sellerio)
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